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VIDEO DIA LOGHI 2011 art video festival and artist videos (2011)

Wednesday, 14th December 2011 the Eleventh edition of the Art Video Festival and Artist Videos will be inaugurated in the conference room of the GAM, Galleria Civica di Arte Moderna e contemporanea, in Turin. Video Dialogues will be transferred then to the Velan Center, 64 via Saluzzo, from 15th to 22nd December. The event is an important opportunity of disclosure, critic and historic examination of ‘videoart’ language. Even in the occasion of the celebrations of the 150th anniversary of the Italian unification, the festival maintains its international perspective by giving an ample view of the video art system from the first Seventies to video installations, videoclips, video documentary and video dance including also the most recent experiments such as the cellular phone videos. From 15th to 22nd December Velan will host the section ‘Loop’ dedicated to famous video artists who are working in our territory (Barbara Brugola, Marco Barroncelli, Costantino Ciervo, Irina Gabiani, Riccarda Montenero, Concetta Modica, Yael Plat), the section ‘LOOP International’ dedicated to artists coming from various nations curated by Alison Williams, a photograph exhibition (Pepe Beas, Riccarda Montenero, Anita Olivetti, Roberta Toscano, Maya Zignone) and a video installation by Sabrina Bastai. The show, which in the past toured in many countries in the world, continues its international tradition by cooperating with critics who operate in countries such a Spain and Slovenia.


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