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VERSUS XV (2009)

curated by Lorenzo Taiuti


Wednesday, 4th November 2009, after 9 years of exhibition activities in via Modena 52, Velan inaugurates the new space in via Saluzzo 64, Turin, with Versus XV, curated by Lorenzo Taiuti. VERSUS XV collects the works by 8 different artists, sharing the same research with video and digital art. The artists are: Simone CATANIA, in cooperation with Agnese Ricchi, Marco CALLEA, Antonio FALBO, Luca GARINO, MOTOR, Irina NOVARESE, Gabriele OTTINO, Alessandro QUARANTA. They all use video and other media, such as sound design, installation, cinema, web and performance and many more, even though they are coming from different experiences and expressive languages. This variety and diversity of choices reflects in the eight video installations, divided equally in the two Velan spaces. Very different the authors, though all from the Turin area, and many themes, such as cinema and conscience, war and memory, mental insanity and perception.



The artists:

Marco CALLEA (Ivrea, TO, Italy, 1975) lives and works in Milan
Simone CATANIA (Como, Italy, 1980) lives and works in Rome
Antonio Lorenzo FALBO (Turin, Italy, 1981) lives and works in Turin
Luca GARINO (Italy, 1978)
Angelo Comino (aka MOTOR) lives and works in Turin
Irina NOVARESE (Turin, Italy, 1972) lives and works in Berlin
Gabriele OTTINO (Turin, Italy, 1982) lives and works in Turin
Alessandro QUARANTA (Turin,  Italy, 1975) lives and works in  Turin.

We thank Region Piedmont for the contribution. The exhibition will remain open from November 4th  to November 27th


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