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Maurizio Ceccato is dead. A relative encounter (2012)

curated by Marco Enrico Giacomelli

Monday, 23rd January 2012 Velan presents Maurizio Ceccato is dead. A relative encounter, curated by Marco Enrico Giacomelli, assistant editor of Artribune. In gallery  the magazine WATT without alternative and other fragments and the video ’Non capisco un’acca’, from the album with the same name edited by Hacca will be presented. During the evening event ‘Maurizio Ceccato is dead. A relative encounter’, Marco Enrico Giacomelli will introduce, for the fist time in Turin, the publishing project WATT magazine at its first issue (the second one will soon be published) and the first image book, ‘Non capisco un’acca’, both created in 2011 by the creative independent entrepreneur Maurizio Ceccato. About ‘Non capisco un’acca’ the author wrote:

…what if the alphabet was made up only by H letters? Of course by words formed by H letters. First hypothesis:  we wouldn’t understand anything. Alternative hypothesis: are you sure?

What is WATT? WATT is a contemporary stories and illustrations in volume, a store of signs without paratexts. WATT is a style melting pot, a place on paper where we can fix the impulses of a new generation of authors who often haven’t found their space in traditional book publishing. WATT is a place of research and experimentation, a narrative which comes out from the encounter between text and image. WATT is interested only in the signs which are leaving a sign. So Watt is not a magazine it is a series of books which you can look at like a catalogue and read like a book, even though it is none of these things. WATT is a mixing of images and works. WATT is at least three times in a year. WATT is the measure unit of creativity, pure scouting. WATT represents the evidence that publishing can be independent and start from the lowest level.

Maurizio Ceccato was born in Rome in 1970, he is (has been) among the best national and international graphic designers, illustrators and art directors. He says (said) about himself in his short autobiography. – I took part to the Great Western Extraction in 1970… and my number was 14th April. I learned to read, write and draw with comic strips. At eighteen ink, porno-stories, children’s strips, advertisement cartoons, amatriciana manga. Dressed up like an illustrator, graphic designer and art director I co-operate with several publishing houses and national and international magazines (il manifesto, Avvenimenti, l’Espresso, Lettere, Fazi Editore, Arcana, Ponte alle Grazie, Lain, Hacca, l'Unità, Payot & Rivages, El torcer nombre, Belio magazine, Drome magazine, Teatro di Roma, Elliot edizioni). In 2007 IFIX, a company of project design comes to life. Founder and pusher of ‘B comic’, shot gun strips, comic viruses for a radical entertainment. Editor of the magazine-book WATT – without alternative.



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